- autoroute soleil hivernal - péage de Chamant

CO₂ emissions generated by our activities only make up 2% of our overall carbon footprint.
Nevertheless, we have launched a frugality programme to reduce our energy consumption, foster recycling and so participate in the collective effort.

A 20% reduction in our CO₂ emissions by 2024

  • Recovery of over 70% of our waste,
  • Integration of selection criteria and carbon impact provisions in 100% of our purchases,
  • Reduction of carbon footprint on our work sites: by using new techniques that consume fewer raw materials and less energy. For example, by increasing the recycling rate of our roadways when they have to be resurfaced.
  • Reduction of our energy consumption by using LED lighting in our tunnels.

Transition to a fleet of electric vehicles

Véhicule électrique Sanef

Our objective is the electrification of all our vehicles so we have a fleet of 100% electric company cars by 2026 and a fleet of 100% electric light and utility vehicles by 2030.

With regard to heavier vehicles and especially the vans used on a daily basis by our motorway teams, our men in yellow, we are working on innovative solutions and are currently testing, for example, a hydrogen-powered vehicle.

To show our customers that driving on the motorway with an electric vehicle is easy and enjoyable, we must demonstrate that we are already enthusiastic champions of the cause!

Julien Pointillart delegated Environment and CSR Director of the Sanef Group