
There are rules to be observed on social networks, just as there are on the road! Every day, we cover many miles together respecting the Highway Code and the people that share the road with us. The same applies to social networks!

Moderation rules

Our social network accounts are also your social network accounts. So for everything to run smoothly between us, exchanges must always be courteous and constructive. All comments are moderated: we reserve the right to delete any content that is contrary to our principles. As a responsible user, you acknowledge that you have taken cognizance of our moderation charter and undertake to observe our rules of good conduct.

Comments and opinions published in our accounts are all read by our team of moderators. In the event of any non-compliance with our charter, they are deleted without prior notice. Moderation and management of mentions that call for a response from us are dealt with by our team from Monday to Friday, from 8:30am to 6pm.

Rules of good conduct

Like on the road, here everyone should know that there is a line that must not be crossed through ill-will or lack of respect to other users. Based on our rules of good conduct, any publication or comment that falls into the category below will be deleted (non-exhaustive list):

  • Inciting discrimination, hatred or violence that is racially-motivated, xenophobic, homophobic or of a revisionist nature.
  • Inciting the use of illegal products and alcohol.
  • Insulting, aggressive, vulgar, harassing or attacking a participant, slanderous or disparaging, undermining the honour or reputation of an individual or legal entity.
  • Off-topic, superfluous, considered as being spam, repetitive.
  • Advertising or posted for commercial purposes (incitement to use a telephone number, classified ads, etc.).
  • Featuring links to external websites, the content of which has not been approved by the Sanef Group or likely to be contrary to the laws and regulations in effect in France.
  • Including private data, personal data that appears to us to be irrelevant or inappropriate (copies of private messages or correspondence, breaching confidentiality of the correspondence).
  • Contravening laws and regulations in effect in France, public order or public decency.
  • Likely constituting acts of hacking, regardless of its form (phishing, system intrusion, spreading viruses, spamming, etc.)
  • Contravening the legitimate interests of the Sanef Group, especially through insults or defamation, or invasion of privacy, undermining right of publicity, property or other rights.

If, despite our careful attention to this matter, you identify a contribution that you consider to be illegal or contrary to our charter of moderation and good conduct, kindly contact our moderators using our online contact form (select “another request” in the drop-down list) and clearly set out the reason for your moderation request.

No honking the horn!

When driving, a blast of the horn is often seen as demonstrating aggressiveness. In social networks, the form of your message says a lot about your state of mind:

  • WRITING IN CAPITALS is interpreted as honking the horn or shouting. Always write in lower case.
  • Be careful with your use of emoji. Find out what they mean and their symbolic significance.
  • Always take time to put things in perspective when you feel strongly about something: by reacting in the heat of the moment, things can get out of hand and you may write something that you don’t really mean.


Each user may, at any time if a contribution infringes his/her rights, inform Facebook of this by going through the reporting procedure set up by that company.


You can ask questions through our social networks or by contacting us using our online contact form. When you publish a comment on social networks, do not disseminate any personal contact details (telephone number, e-mail or postal address, etc.).

Liability limits

The user of a Sanef Group social network is solely liable for the content (texts, images, opinions, files, etc.) that he/she puts online.

The user undertakes that the contents he/she publishes will not in any way undermine the legitimate interests of third parties, whomsoever they may be, and indemnifies the Sanef group against any proceedings that may be filed by anyone against us based directly or indirectly on the user’s words or content.

The user undertakes to settle the payment of sums resulting from any third-party claim against the Sanef Group, including lawyers’ fees and legal costs.

The Sanef Group cannot guarantee the accuracy or pertinence of information published on the page.

Information made available on the page by a user is for information purposes only and does not constitute advice or recommendation from the Sanef Group.

The user is fully responsible for verifying the information he/she obtains from our social networks.

The Sanef Group cannot be held liable for use made of the information and contents available on our social networks. 

It is the user’s responsibility to take all the measures necessary to protect his/her data when accessing our social networks.

The Sanef Group reserves the right to modify the terms, conditions and texts of this charter at any time, and to do so without prior notice. Users are, therefore, advised to regularly consult the latest version of this charter available on the website page.

Processing personal data

Personal data are processed in accordance with the Sanef Group’s privacy policy.