An offbeat tone to raise driver safety awareness

Panneaux Messages Variables - PMV - Sécurité Routière

Is giving advice on good behaviour in a humorous way a winning formula? The answer is yes! For the past few months, our teams have been displaying offbeat road safety messages on the information panels and customers are asking for more!

Offbeat messages to make a lasting impression

Panneaux Messages Variables - PMV - Sécurité Routière - Autoroute A13

"Take it easy, the chocolate won't melt", "Slow down, don't get carried away" or "The right-hand lane isn't haunted, turn around" are just some of the road safety messages displayed on our information boards.

L’objectif est de rappeler les conseils de bonne conduite et de sécurité aux conducteurs sur un ton décalé et humoristique pendant les temps forts de l’année tels que Pâques, Noël, Halloween, ou plus récemment la chandeleur.

The aim is to remind drivers of good driving and safety tips in an offbeat and humorous way during important times of the year such as Easter, Christmas, Halloween and more recently Candlemas.

The result? A choice that has been praised by the press but also by our customers and the Facebook community: messages are read and remembered!

Mission accomplished for the security teams! 😊😉